
Allikas: Mereviki
Autoriõigused    Kõik õigused sellele pildile kuuluvad pildi autorile.
Mujal kasutamiseks peab olema autori luba ning pildi allikas (Mereviki) ja autor peavad olema mainitud.

Merevikil on luba selle pildi kasutamiseks. Autori kirjalikule loale peab igal pildilehel eraldi viitama.

This image belongs to the author who made this picture.
For use of this image You must have a permission from the author and the original source (Estonian Maritime Wiki - Mereviki) and the author must be mentioned. Use of this image in Mereviki is allowed by the author.
It is necessary to write the author's permission (which has to be in black and white) on every file page separately.

Malli lisamiseks pildi juurde tuleb faili infosse kirjutada {{AÕ-Mereviki}}.